
Our Approach

How Envi started.

We started as practitioners in the Medical and Dental fields.  As our businesses grew we realized that the volume of disposables was both expensive and an environmental nightmare.  Our initial quest for cost-effective alternatives soon led to us sourcing for colleagues.  Partnering strategically with talented and conscientious professionals in the business world has seen Envi grow from strength to strength.

Our Story

How Envi transformed the clinic!

With specialists in the fields of medicine and dentistry as the backbone of Envi, it didn't take long to find cutting edge suppliers globally.  Our established network has transformed the clinics and businesses we've assisted to become highly rewarding environments utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and supplies while saving significantly.

Request an Audit...its Free.

Click here to request an audit to begin to understand how your practice can become highly productive and environmentally conscious. We audit free of charge.